Bang and the screams began

Have I ever told you how adorable twin girl is? I am watching her now, she is in seventh heaven because the kids entertainer has just held her hands to dance with her in the disco. All the girl wants to do is please, do things better than her brother and be the boss. What more can you ask from your eldest daughter.

However she has had a rough night. Dressed in her finest green frock accessorised with my nanna’s pearls she convinced me, twin boy, he who helped create them and baby beautiful to move away from our all you can eat already paid for hotel meal to venture out into town to watch the ceremonial event of the locals turning on their christmas lights.

In all honesty its a heart warming event, eating tapas, drinking good wine, sitting in our summer dresses. Suddenly getting ready to turn on the christmas lights feels strangely appropiate. A child sings beautifully in words we don’t understand but the meaning we comprehend and Mary and Joseph are brought in on a real live donkey much to the twins delight.

It felt an honour to share the beginnings of another cultures christmas and even though we had to pay for our food we all loved it!

Actually we all loved it until the grand finale started.

Mary dismounted the donkey and placed the baby gently in the manager, Joseph turned to the audience and smiled as a beautiful array of christmas lights lit up the small village square. Twin girl even said in a wonder filled voice ‘how lovely’ and then she started to scream…

Bloody fools set off fireworks!

Twin girl is terrified of them, at the start of this month we have to sound proof the house to prevent even the tinest ‘pop’ getting through. To make matters worse twin girls howls of anguish easily defeat the noise of the fireworks and instead the crowd turns to gasp at the four year old girl in hysterics because mummy and daddy promised that there wouldn’t be fireworks at our christmas in the sun!

A quick exit stage left and we head back to the security of the hotel and the Thomas Cook entertainment staff, where we are sure the only bangs will be the popping of cheap champagne for the winners of the afternoon giant Jenga competition.

Several sweets and cuddles later and twin girl is recovered.

I utterly adore her!

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