

When you bring a tiny new life into the world it is almost incomprehensible to describe how much your heart can explode with a new type of love.  It is not the intense flutters you feel when you meet your future spouse, or the nervous excitement as you lean in for a first kiss.  Nor does it compare to the moment the test shows up two lines although that was pretty extreme on its own.

It is an inexplicable kind of love and one that seems to hold no boundaries, just when you think you are at capacity a sudden grip on your finger can give an extra tug on your heartstrings.  Watching your older children loving your younger only serves to increase your ability to adore all three even more that you ever believed possible.

When my third baby gracefully entered the world and fitted into the crook of my arm I was again dumbstruck by my capacity to love so overwhelmingly.  I had worried that I may not feel the same as I did upon the birth of the twins but needless to say when baby beautiful was born I felt like I was drowning in love.  As the days have turned into weeks and those weeks into six months she can still reduce me to happy tears with a smile or a gentle stroke of my face.

 So this is my first rather obvious entry for The Gallery – clearly it has sent me a little soft but I do like an opportunity to blog nicely about my family.

21 thoughts on “Love”

  1. Lovely words. But the saying is true a picture paints a thousand words. BB is stunning thank you for showing us this pic xxx

  2. That is simply beautiful. For me the love you feel when your first child is born is a revelation. Nothing anyone had ever said or told me about it matched up. It was indescribable, and that photo quite gives me goosebumps

  3. ahhh beautiful, I used to love it when my babes stroked my face. Miss E still likes to stroke my arm. I am feeling soppy at the moment too!

    Mich x

  4. I have one of the ‘lying on shoulder asleep’ for each of my newborns and they are the best photographs ever and I love this one too 🙂 They look so sweet, small and innocent, not at all like they can scream with excellent lungs!! Jen

  5. That’s a great debut: a beautiful photo, & beautiful words.

    I’ve subscribed to your blog: I have 9 1/2 month-old twins so I’d like a glimpse into what our future may hold 🙂

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