You can always rely on your mother to bring you back down to earth with a bang.I called mine earlier whilst I was literally bouncing off the walls in excitement after discovering that I had been nominated for not one but two Mad Blog Awards; the conversation went like this…
Me: ‘Hi Mum’
Mum: ‘That you our Jane?’ – Please note I am my mother’s only daughter.
Me: ‘Yes Mum’
Mum: ‘I am watching Coro* can I call you later’ *Coronation Street*
Me: ‘I was just calling to tell you the blog is up for an award.’
Mum: ‘That’s nice.’
Me: ‘well two actually.’
Mum: ‘how many others are there then?’
Me: ‘well fourteen categories…’
Mum: ‘and you are in only two?’
Me: ‘um, well, yes.’
Mum: ‘ok’
Me: ‘will you vote for me?’
Mum: ‘I’ll bring that computer on the weekend and we can look at it. I still can’t use it, bloody thing, don’t know why people don’t just call instead of using that facebook and that twitting thing.’
Me: ‘Ok’
Mum: ‘Owt else?’
Head is now fully deflated and back to normal!
However I am still chuffed to bits to be up for an award and would love it if you enjoy reading my blog if you would take two minutes to vote for me. All you need to do it click on this link for the voting page and enter your name and email and my blog is nominated in the first category: Best Mad Blog About Family Life – just chose Northern Mum.
Also if you need some help with the other categories can I recommend you read Mothers Always Right – she is up for Best Baby Blog, she will make you giggle till you wee.
Thanks all!
Love me, twin boy, twin girl, BB and he who helped create them, and the rapid hound!

Ha ha! Well clearly Coro is more important, lol. It’s usually OH that brings me back down to earth. Congrats on being a finalist not once but twice! You SO deserve it 😀 xx
Thanks Bod!
Loved the chat between you and mum. We have all been there. Lovely site.
Thanks ever so; my mum says thanks too….
You are a lovely lady indeed. As is your mum – she sounds just like my gran. She does have a point though, what were you thinking phoning during Coro?!
I am an ex corrie watcher – always the worse kind
Yes, Mums have a way of doing that, don’t they. Congrats!
Thanks x
Thats funny! I don’t even answer the phone during Coronation Street. Just kidding – I sky+ it. I am from Manchester don’t forget :-))
and i am from dony lass! but have moved in to reality tv
We were forbidden to call our mother during what became known as “Holy Hour” – between 7.00 and 8.00 p.m. due to The Archers and whatever soap it was she watched (me vaguely thinks Eastenders!). Brilliant blogger and well deserved finalist. My vote is cast! Blog on! X
thank you!!!!!
haha at least you bothered to tell her – I wouldnt even have bothered doing that knowing what her blank faced response would have been
lol! take it mother is not an internet fan?
Thanks – (well if you voted for me that is!)
Ha. It’s like me and my Mum.
Me: Mum, I set up these awards for blogs, and lots of people have joined in with them.
Mum: Did Stephen Fry vote?
Me: No, I don’t think so.
Mum: Never mind, love, maybe next year.
Now that did make me chuckle!
Haha that sounds like a conversation with my mum around 7.30pm she has to watch the soaps first! But mahoosive congratulations let that head grow and grow very well deserved lovely xx
thanks Kerry *balloons*
I voted for you. Twice! I went through the various blogs and was gratified to see that the ones I thought were best are the ones I already have on my reader.
So obviously I have good taste.
Thanks very much jacq
Ooh dear 33 and still needing parents praise x Does it ever end ! ps. I voted x
ooh which ex? and why are you hiding from me?
and yes I like a bit of parental praise!
I did vote for you!!
Ah thanks