The Holiday Diary
If you missed Day One – click here
Day Two,
Twin boys diary entry:
I went to the park, I was tired.
Twin girls diary entry:
I went on the climbing frame and the slide.
My entry:
Dear teacher,
The kids are spot on. They did all of the above. My day was fabulous. I awoke at 6.06, fed BB then pulled on my clothes and painted my face in an attempt to erase the worry lines I had gained the day before. It was one of those mornings where the impossible occurred and twin boy was still asleep at 7.01. At 7.16 I could contain myself no more and dove into his room crying ‘revenge is sweet my child; it’s waking up time!’
Minutes later the five of us were bundled into the car, twin boy still rubbing sleep from his eyes. Then first stop was the train station, where I grabbed my bag, skipped out of the car and buggered off to work…
Five uninterrupted cups of tea and one unaccompanied toilet break later and my zen was restored from the terrors of the day before.
Day three.
Twin boys diary entry:
We played at a friends house.
Twin girls diary entry:
We went to my friends house it was great.
He who helped create them’s diary entry:
today was a good day….
My diary entry:
Twin boy returned to form waking me at some unholy hour with his mouth at my ear enquiring about the time. Still several cups of tea later and a sneaky bit of cake in the office and all was forgiven to the extent that we even attempted to make a space ship out of a box when I got home. The end result is poor, but hey at least we tried…
Day Four.
Twin boy and girls diary entry:
We went fruit picking it was brilliant.
My entry
Dear teacher,
Today has been a mixed bag of emotions. I have been wracked with jealousy as the sun was shining all day and he who helped create them scored huge points in the homestead by taking the three short people fruit picking. I have spent the best part of the day thinking of ways to best him to ensure they all love me the most.
I called in at the shop on the way home and bought a huge bag of sweets.
What child would choose fruit over sweets?
So I am still favourite parent however any ideas on how to ensure we have a super day out on the weekend would be most welcome.
Day five
Twin boys diary:
Big boy ben came for a sleep over
Twin girls diary:
Evie and baby Oliver came for a sleepover.
My diary entry:
Ben, Evie’s, and baby Olivers mums and dads came for a sleepover;
*more hic*
I love you diary,
The holidays are a piece of pi**
I could cope with six hundred children.
Whoopsy sorry teach, musnt swear in school diary….
Nightie night teacher weacher…
Day six
Twin boy’s diary:
I played with mummy, all day.
Twin girl’s diary:
Mummy and I cuddled today.
My entry..
Dear teacher,
Champagne is evil. As is wine, as is beer.
P.S – How do you cope with 30 children, 3 is bloody hard work?
So as you can see, we are just about surviving in these troubling times known as the summer hols, although I am about to start on a self imposed alcohol ban tomorrow. Week one is finished, only five more to go.
For those of you in the same predicament; stay strong, as a popular song once said we will survive!
Good luck with week two of six… Glad to see you’re all still alive at least!
were you worried? x
An alcohol ban? Are you sure? 🙂
Am beginning to regret it…
Do not recommend alcohol ban, self imposed or otherwise. You WILL NEED it (obviously not in an “Hello, My name is Jane, and I’m an alcoholic.” way). Remember this is only the end of week 1 of 6. You have been warned!
Hmmmmmm. Maybe I should re consider
Absolutely hilarious Jane! Love it xxx
Why thanks x
You’re doing well. Not long to go …..!!
You make me laugh, and make my life sounds so peaceful 🙂 famous last words I will be the one reaching for the bottle this week 🙂 xxx
It’s the teacher I feel sorry for, she’s going to be broken by the time she’s read about your alcohol issues, working mums guilt, and the general day to day life in your household. She will never set this task again.
Love you XXX
Ha! i think she will recover with her six week holidays in the Maldives!