God, it’s your fault….

Dear God,

Quick question.

Free will, flipping genius idea, may have caused a few wars etc in the past but all in all it allows me to eat several pots of Ben and Jerrys in succession so no harm done.

However why oh why did you see it fit to grant free will to anyone under the age of 8. Could you have not added a parental control button like Sky do?

Take this morning for example when I asked Twin Boy to make his bed my response was.

“I don’t want to.”

In turn I retorted;

“You don’t have a choice.”

Which was quickly answered with,

“I really really do.”

See God we could have avoided all that conversation and the shouting that followed if I could have reached behind his ear and turned free will off forcing him into compliant mode.

And maybe twin girl would not try and outdo the local teenage gangs with her sarcastic under tones and mad hair do’s if I could merely bend her to my will.

And perhaps BB would stop trying to take chunks out of her family with her teeth if we could take away her ability to choose. I mean really God, she is not even 18months old. She is abusing free will not using it.

And while we are on the matter God, free will and men? Again a dangerous mix, perhaps if I could locate he who helped create them’s switch to turn his off my never ending list of jobs may reach completion and the toilet would have a second cleaner.

And as for the rabid hound, I think you gave her extra free will, I am not impressed one bit.

Just had to get that off my chest God.

Have a good day now.


P.S if you are ever thinking of retirement I am more than happy to try and fill your boots so to speak….

16 thoughts on “God, it’s your fault….”

  1. Totally agree – especially why, oh why do the male species have free will. My life would be simpler without it! A favour, if you do fill that ‘heavenly post’ – no more PMS pls

  2. My 22 month old keeps exercising her free will to bite at nursery and at home. It’s not funny. I will be glad when you are God Jane. If America got a black president we can get a fiesty female blogging godess right? It’s the 21st century – anything could happen!

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