she said what……

On Friday twin boy and girl will take to the stage to display their outstanding dramatic ability in a one off performance of “The Harvest.”

Living with two would be stars can be trying and myself and he who helped create them are trying to be supportive by ignoring the diva style tantrums and helping them learn their lines.

Twin girl is closing the show with the profound words;

“Do you know that in our country too there are families who cannot afford basic food and that is very sad.”

We rehearsed last night.

She stood before me, back straight, eyes focused, toes turned slightly outwards and hands glasped together. We read through the lines before hers and then in a serious but heartfelt voice she began….

“Do you know that in our country too there are families who cu*tin afford basic food and that is very sad.”

We need to rehearse more……

(*insert a ‘n’ here)

28 thoughts on “she said what……”

  1. Ah.

    I once had to say art garfunkel to intro a song in house music at senior school. I couldn’t stop saying gunkfunkel. And I did it in the performance too.

    Rehearsal, as they say, is futile.

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