The best thing about blogging is……

The best thing about blogging is…

Getting to record moments like this…


Libby-Sue; aged 17 months and 14 days taking her first ‘step’.

Complete with electrodes and her battery back pack!

57 thoughts on “The best thing about blogging is……”

  1. Ah fantastic. You must be really proud of both of your girls. She’ll be away in no time now I bet 😀

  2. That is SO cute! 🙂 And you’re right about that being one of the best things about blogging – I caught my little boys first words on camera and it was great to be able to share that on my blog 🙂

  3. That’s amazing, especially given all the talk about bottom orientated movement

    More so with the luggage on the back. Heart warming. Small tear? Yep

  4. I only recently discovered your blogs (it was the conga in Tesco’s that got me) but really enjoy them, partly because your household sounds a bit like ours. I too have a big girl (7) and boy (5) and a beautiful baby girl who was born with a serious, but thankfully treatable condition. She’s had more tests and scans than the rest of us put together, but she’s a brave little bunny and takes it all in her stride. When you described yourself as being ‘besotted’ with your BB I sighed in recognition – that’s me too. But I had to do a double take yesterday at Libby Sue being 17 months and 14 days … yep, Olivia was 17 months and 14 days yesterday!
    It’s a fantastic clip of your girls, what a great memory to have.. good luck with everything.

    • Wow, birthday twins!

      I am so besotted with her. We just went to have her electrodes removed and she was so so brave and I was ready to crumble as she just kept coping,

      Nice to meet you x

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