Surviving: #dosomethingyummy

Cancer fights as if it were in a war, but it doesn’t play by the rules.  It attacks at random and picks its victims in the same way.  It doesn’t care if you are young or old or have battled with it before and have lived to tell the tale.

It destroys lives, breaks hearts and shows no mercy.

I lost my beautiful Aunt to the ravages of this obnoxious disease and I have never forgotten and to forgive would be obscene.

But I know survivors.

I know my Aunt, a wonderfully courageous woman who taught me to always wear matching undies and bras because you never know when you may need an ambulance crew and who the crew may be…

She survived, she kicked cancer firmly into touch and has held her grandchildren and now remains determined to educate about origins of where cancer can come from.

She is an inspiration; but still she lost her sister and best friend to this shitty illness.

I know Seth, a little boy the same age as my twins, who goes to school, who watches Star Wars.  He has faced more nights in hospital than I could even imagine, he has overcome more hurdles than I could even contemplate.  He is the reason I sometimes run marathons and the reminder when my children face challenges that really we have nothing to worry about.

I long to live in a world without cancer, but if this dream is unsustainable then I will settle for living in a world of survivors.  Where we can spend evenings relaxing, and reading books we read about on family hype.

This post was written to  promote and raise awareness of the CLIC Sargent Yummy Mummy Week – 10th to 18th March 2012.  As part of Nickie’s campaign to raise awareness for this cause. Please show your support by writing a post using this weeks prompts found here and share these posts on your social media streams.

*This is not a sponsored post, this is written because no one should have to face cancer without support, especially not kids.

It is blog award time again, this time for Brilliance in Blogging, if you want to vote for any bloggers please click here; if you want to vote for me *blushes* then you need my name: Northernmum and my URL:  I would be over the moon to be nominated in the categories of ‘Laugh’, ‘Lit’ or ‘Outstanding’.  I would be less pleased to be nominated for ‘best Daddy blog’ but would take the hint on board that it is time to shave my legs and pluck my chin!

NB: You don’t have to be a blogger to vote!

34 thoughts on “Surviving: #dosomethingyummy”

  1. I hate Caner it has aused no end of heartache to so many of my family and friends and I am still hoping and praying that some of them can kick its sorry ass to become surviors x

  2. Recently a close friend of ours was diagnosed with Cancer. He’s the first person that I know personally that has had it and it has made me think about Cancer more than just in passing as I used to.
    It seems it doesn’t just invade the body but invades the lives of families and friends too. Utterly horrible and the thought that some young children have to deal with it as part of their childhood makes me want to cry.

  3. Cancer is a horrible, horrible disease. Hopefully one day they will find the cure for it. I hate hearing about children with cancer, it’s just cruel but they fight just as hard.

  4. Fab post – can’t really find the words to say any more.

    Thanks for joining in with all the #dosomethingyummy prompts and for helping out with the social media shout out xx

  5. Beautiful post, burst into tears “I will settle for living in a world of survivors” at this line. My dad died of cancer when he was 49 but I know so many more survivors and I love the sentiment of that line. Thankyou so much for being part of #dosomethingyummy

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