And breathe.
We are home.
It has been a hell of a week and although the attention and care we have received in hospital has been second to none, it hasn’t gone smoothly, or to plan.
We started last week bouncing with excitement, watching with unrestrained joy as BB’s spica was removed and her hip pronounced fixed.

Seeing those legs splayed out spica style caused a huge wet grin to linger on my face for hours.

We spent the week with friends, playing, and finished it off with a trip to Legoland where the lure of a slide proved to be a fatal mistake.

Then Friday afternoon BB ended up in a different hospital to where her hip was operated on and back on a stretcher.

Initial x rays showed nothing but movement was agony for my daughter and so we booked in for the night and she found solace in her fathers arms.

The next day more x rays showed BB’s leg was broken and conversations between the two hospitals began on the best way to treat her leg.
A leg cast was suggested but dismissed on Saturday as putting too much pressure on the hip. The word spica was brought back into play.
Sunday signalled confirmation, BB was going back into a spica cast for six more weeks. My heart broke, I had longed to see my smallest cast free for her second birthday in three weeks.
To add insult to injury the hospital didn’t have anyone to put a spica on so it was suggested that we moved 80 miles to her hip hospital, and then they changed their minds…. Again.
Conversations continued and suddenly darkness fell and we were destined to spend another night in bay 13. Knowing six weeks of spica lay ahead I spent as much time bathing BB as possible in the hope the cleanness would stick to her.

Monday came and I wiped away the tears of yesterday. Then monday finished with the only decision being made that BB would go back into spica in this hospital on Tuesday when the expert was in.
BB’s baby got a raw deal, we put her back in spica first.

Finally four days after we broke BB she was placed back into a gown, wheeled into theatre, put gently to sleep and her legs wrapped up once more.

Then it all went wrong.
BB returned from theatre barely able to breathe in the new cast and had to return immediately for it to be cut.
This was the end result.

I hope even to a non spica parent you can see this isn’t right. Within moments she developed dry skin, red patches and bits started to fall off.
The doctors had gone home, we checked back in for night number five.
The next day we met the chap who originally diagnosed BB with hip dysplasia. He spoke to us, agreed the cast was no good and said to take it off. He took his mobile from his pocket and called his friend, BB’s hip surgeon.
Five minutes later he returned, a new care plan prepared.
No spica, not six weeks in cast.
One leg cast, lightweight to not distress the hip. Ten days till removal.
BB will be out of cast for her second birthday.

Lots of questions remain,
Why did she have a general anaesthetic when a spica wasn’t needed.
Why were we given the anxiety of a potential six weeks in spica when the reality is less.
Why did it take six days and a lot of pain and distress for my one year old daughter to endure?
But we are home and happy; and completely flipping exhausted.
We may have *borrowed* some cast styling materials to keep BB looking funky….

I think what she’s gone through is awful and I hope you’ll complain. So need the NHS to get act together and stop doing this to ppl. Am very glad you’ve got it sorted though.
Thanks jax,
I have so much faith in the nhs normally and this is my first bad experience, but yes I will be making someone aware
j x
and breathe and drink gin, and think its not long till the weekend…….
And for BB – yes its been hell, yes they *ducked up* as my phone liked to put it, but at least no damned spica!! I know you’ll take the leg cast over that and lets start that 10 day count down and then it’ll be second time lucky!
ducked up big time
Oh my goodness Jane – I can;t even begin to imagine what you’ve been through. Just been catching up on what’s gone on. I’m so glad that she is just in the one cast and will be out of that for her birthday. She is so brave, as are you. Big hugs you lovely beautiful lady xx
Thank you- and is all over now x x
I really don’t understand anything about this, the way you have been misled is terrible and it breaks my heart for you all. HOWEVER out before her 2nd birthday? WICKED!
Very much so *excited dance*
It’s a dreadful tale but the outcome is so much better than it was 24 hours ago ..onwards & upwards for all of you. Also, haven’t read your blog for a few weeks so not seen your pics for a while – BB is just getting more and more gorgeous – and still smiling! – what a little star she is. x
Thanks she looks angelic and has a devilish temper!
What a dreadful time you’ve had but I’m glad it’s all been sorted out and you can all look forward to BB’s birthday plaster free.
Thank you! me feels a party coming on
What a dreadful time you’ve had but now you can all look forward to BB’s birthday plaster free. Unless of course you want/need to get plastered!
terrible joke!
It did make me laugh though!
It’s not great news that she’s in a cast but I’m thrilled for you that she’s not back in spica and you are home!! You’re a great mum x
Gin. Get the gin open!
*slurs* s’open
oh what a fiasco! But yay for the funky stripy single cast… so glad your home x
me and he who helped create them did that! *proud face*
bloody hell, what a complete nightmare Jane – how you have kept your marbles and patience is beyond me – so happy that they sorted BB out in the end – what an enormous relief
Chris I lost my marbles years ago
oh and just to say I love how BB’s baby gets the same cast treatment in each photo, first sepia, then single white cast then she too is treated to funky stripes! hehe
Lightbox! how it has changed my photos!
Oh my goodness Jane I’m so sorry you, your little girl and family have gone though such a hard and difficult time. I’m pleased she will be out her cast by her 2nd birthday. She is just beautiful btw, but I guess you totally know that
Thanks Claire x x x
Dearest darling Jane.
I have been following (read lurking) your week from hell and have been at a loss for words. I know how excited you were on the day before the spica came off.And how lovely for you all to have had a trip out together. The bad luck that ensued – you couldn’t make it up. Then everything else that has gone on. Fuck, you all need a seriously lovely holiday (NOT an NHS holiday ;)) to recover from this. Having lived in Turkey where there is no free health service and hospitals perform unnecessary operations in order to earn their monthly quota (and where they also broke Aleyna at birth) I do have a huge amount of respect for our NHS system. However miscommunication leading to what seems to be an unnecessary general anaesthetic given to a toddler is quite shocking to me. Huge huge love to you all. And bless that little girl who continues to smile. Love you xxxxxxxx
The NHS have brought my three beautiful children into the world, I have a lot of time for the system, nothing is perfect and this week we saw a completely different side.
however one bad experience does not the norm make!
So pleased that blasted spica is off. But not that you and my gorgeous BB had to endure all that when it could have been fixed with one simple leg cast. I think you deserve a glass of wine on Saturday.
that is days away
Lost for words… shocking honey. I really thought things had improved since my days of going through it but seems there are still incapable people out there. I hope you get some answers honey and I am so glad that it is just a one leg cast and not for long too. Yey to 2nd birthday celebrations! xxx
I would hope this is the exception not the rule!
Thanks you for all your lovely comments and supportiveness – you are a star xxxx
Holy cow! Way to get your hopes up, then have them dashed, dashed even more, then soften the blow! That is top news! Not good news, obviously, had it been a week ago, but top news as of 2 days ago! I hope she heals well x
Thank you! and me too x
Brilliant that she isn’t in the cast for the next six weeks – and she’ll be out in time for her 2nd birthday. Such a shame that you had all the preamble, but I guess you have to hold onto the idea that this was the right way for it to go. xxx
Yes – fingers crossed it is all done now x
I am so cross for you and beyond relieved to. Welcome home. Argh to it all.
Thanks Merry x
I’m so sorry for all you’ve been through. I know it’s hard to see little ones spend even a fraction of their childhood in a cast in hospital. My youngest cousin was in the same kind of cast for months when she was very small. She is now an anaesthesiologist, and I couldn’t think of a better doctor to be around small children as she knows so very well what they’re going through. Hopefully through all this BB will grow stronger – and you’ll just have to start saving right now to put her through medical school!
Blimey – will have to open her a bank account!
Loving the last photo *wipes a tear away*
Jeezzz “roll on the weekend” is all I have to say.
O no what a bloody roller coaster ride you have all been on …eventually reaching a happy ending conclusion! I hope it all goes well with this new cast and the weeks will fly by. There are a lot of serious questions that need to be answered and I truly hope you get peace of mind and some answers. x
I actually held my breath through that middle part of your blog x
Did you start breathing again?
do I need to out in a breathing disclaimer?
That sounds so much better today. She does look very funky. I hope you all get some well deserved rest and that this is really the last stage before BB is free to enjoy her legs.
Thanks lovely x
I had to read that twice , thought I read it wrong and on twitter….fingers and toes crossed for BB xxx
Its your age, it makes reading harder without specs
I am so glad to see BB looking so happy in that last photo. What a week for all of you. I hope the next ten days fly by, and then you can all put this week behind you.
Thanks very much x
Cheers poppet
Oh what a week you have been through. But the relief of knowing that she will be out of cast in 10 days must give a silver lining. Still alot of unnecessary mistakes and poor judgement was made.
human error? x x x
What an awful mess, it’s very worrying to read that so many errors of judgement still happen. Thank goodness you’re home now xx
It is lOVELY to be home!
The last picture say’s it all ‘stuff the rest of it I am happy now!!!’
Though slightly worried you are going to miss than warm value tea 😉 xxx
S’ok- back to work tomorrow – lots of value tea!
Suppose you’ve learned to be grateful for small mercies. Those are irresistible pictures.
Thank you – she is a bit of a pretty one
him indoors isnt that bad either x
Oh what a relief. I’m so pleased she didn’t need to go back in the spica, she is absolutely adorable and that photo of her sleeping on Daddy brought a tear time eye. Bless her 🙂 x
Thanks – that picture does break me
Poor BB :0( I can’t believe you were put through all that unnecessarily, I’ve just read the last couple of posts about this and have tears streaming down my face. You’ve really been put through it. So glad she didn’t need to go back into spica though. I can’t believe she will be 2 soon! She gets more adorable every time I see her :0)
Oh, the poor wee sausage. Just look at her smiling on though. What a trooper:)
Thanks Jacq
I’m just catching up ….sounds like you had more than your fair share of crapness last week but I’m so pleased that BB doesn’t have to go back in Spica…..and she really is such a beautiful little girl & is so rocking that stripy cast!
My heart goes out to BB and all of you. My own hip dysplasia was discovered when I was 2-1/2 years old, by my orthopedic-surgeon uncle. My course of treatment was much longer, involving a full body plaster cast for 1-1/2 years, plus braces for another year. The ” big test” my mother described when the casts were sawed off (yes, with a power saw) is that I could stand and bear my own weight. I could, and so I began swim therapy. The message here is that treatments do improve, and new treatments continue to develop and be tested. My surgeon knew the hip sockets created by the treatment wouldn’t last forever, but by the time I was 40 and needed something new, total hip replacements had been developed. I’ve had both hips replaced, I’m now almost 70 and I am in better shape than many of my friends. Love your family, thank your doctors and caregivers for all they have done, have faith that medical treatments and those who need them will continue to improve. Hugs to all of you.
I am a nurse in paediatric orthopaedics and it is really interesting and educational to read your experiences. While I love looking after patients in full or half spicas my heart goes out to them and their families. It is just so difficult to get around once the child is over say 1 yr. Unfortunately we are seeing more and more kids having failed spicas and surgery, which is devastating for the parents who have endured with the agony of spicas for up to a year total of the childs life. I could definitely see issues with the spica case you posted !! Ours are all neatly cast fibreglass in funky colours (I recommend purple or a dark one for anyone reading as the lighter colours look pretty gross when it is time to come off). Bless you and your family xx
Out nursing team were outstanding