No more DDH: why walking can wait

Dear BB,


I paused to sigh for a moment and two years passed by in a heartbeat.


One second we were laying in a hot hospital ward, one of us trying to make sense of a breast pump and one of us looking terrified at the prospect of feeding from an enormous busom. Together we found hours of contentment in staring at each other with looks of adoration.


Time skipped forward as time is known to do and then I was cuddling you, my incredibly brave little toddler who has rapidly grown from infant to a charismatic child.


In two years you have shown me new ways to love. You have expanded my already bursting heart and carved out a space just for you.


A slight smile tickles my lips when I think back to a year ago when you refused to do anything but sit. We thought by now you would be running us ragged and I never imagined on the eve of your second birthday your dad and I would be celebrating that you had learnt, once again how to crawl.


To have you out of cast is enough, seeing those little legs daily is precious, walking can wait until you are ready and we will no longer take walking for granted.


The last two years have been incredible and heart wrenching, your epilepsy was hard and hip dysplasia more challenging. We have spent more nights on those hot stuffy wards than I could have ever contemplated on the day you were born.

We have watched you grow into a blossoming child who can be bought with chocolate, who sleeps pinned to baby and bunny, who delights in saying “bye bye” and shows every sign of being a vivacious reader as books are your passion.


You have taught me that life is what you make of it, if life puts you in a cast then you simply learn to move a different way. You, my child, have taught me to never give up and to never let anything hold you from your dreams.


Remember that always and you will achieve all your heart wants you to do.


Happy second birthday to my precious little daughter,


Love you to Jupiter and back,


Mummy x


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32 thoughts on “No more DDH: why walking can wait”

  1. Happy Birthday BB! Have a glorious day!

    (“To run is not a given, as merely to walk is a gift” (Annick Hollins 2012) a quote from someone who knows only so well that walking should not be taken for granted!) xxx

  2. Beautifully written, I am wiping away tears here. Hope BB has a great day.

    I didn’t realise our kids were so close in age – it’s my son’s second birthday on Wednesday 🙂

  3. you’ve just made me cry. that was beautiful. happy birthday gorgeous girl and you’re right, walking can wait she sounds like she’s got more than enough in personality to make up for it xxx

  4. Got me choked again – This blimmin road we travel can be tough, but it also gives us the greatest highs. Happy Birthday beautiful girl. Wish Erin could have travelled to your party – maybe next time. xxx

  5. This is such a beautiful testimony to your daughter. The lesson you give to us all via your amazing little girl is one of inspiration, hope and courage. Amazing. Thank you for sharing your little one with us all and Happy Birthday BB x

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