Body fat, and Paddle Boarding on the Azur Lake

The water was a perfect reflection of the sky, shimmering under the rising sun, connoting peace and harmony across the land.  The only noise that rang out through the forest was our English voices excitedly pre -empting our time on the water.  It was beautiful in a way I cannot describe through words.  Exercise meets tranquillity on the lake of Azur.

Today’s adventure for myself and my friends was to Paddle Board across the Azur lake, with Supland.  Azur is around a 12 minutes drive from our Summer France villa in Moilet, or you can jump on one of the many cycle routes and head on down.  Today our rumps were feeling the pain of six days on two wheels so we took our automobile instead.

Our guide, Dave, dashingly handsome, (just felt a need to point that out), spoke as little English as we did French, and yet the understanding was perfect, he guided us through the lake, down the river and back, perfectly safe, us all excruciatingly happy.

This is an adventure I cannot document in words, merely images, but I am sure you can see how utterly amazing it was…

We conquered some fears today.  My lovely friend, Nickie, fights a fear of water every time we come away.  To her credit she has sat upon a surf board and today kept pace with everyone on the paddle board.

I wore a bikini, in public, after months of writing about body image and finding happiness with yourself.

Here I stand, in a moment of pure joy, sun on my face, a paddle board under my feet, and the lake lapping at my toes.  For so long I have worried about what people think of me and my body fat, and today, I simply didn’t give a toss.  I tell my kids, happiness shines from within, true beauty is found on the inside and radiates out.  My stretch marks are the medals of two successful pregnancies, my roundness, from a diet of holidays and fun, my smile, from being outdoors as much as one is able.


I don’t have a media bikini body, but I have a body I am proud to share, friends who love me for who I am, not what my dress size is, and a taste for adventure that will not be hindered by my shape or size.

Today was a great day, as the pictures show…



Todays adventure happened whilst on a Press Trip with Summer France to Moilet-et-Maa, thank you to those lovely folks once more.    Find out more about Summer France and the Villas here.

4 thoughts on “Body fat, and Paddle Boarding on the Azur Lake”

  1. Stunning photos and a wonderful write-up, Jane! I think you did a wonderful job of summarizing what makes SUP attractive to such a wide, diverse audience.

    One thing I noticed is that no one was wearing a PFD or SUP leash. I would encourage you to always use these important safety accessories, even when paddling in calm waters with others. Both of these items are life savers and won’t have any negative impact on your paddling experience.

    Thanks for sharing your wonderful experience with us and happy paddling, Jane!

  2. Paddleboarding looks like awesome fun. I’ve been meaning to get around to trying it as there are plenty of places to do it at home on the Sunshine Coast. I hope you don’t have to be as supple as the woman in that last photo though!
    I like your explanation of not paddling with your arms but pulling your body towards the paddle. I teach many friends and family how to SUP and I’m definitely going to use this explanation. Thanks.

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