Five come home…

Today is a sad day, I am sat huddled in my cold little kitchen, with piles of washing mocking me from the floor.  The laptop is firmly on, work bits are everywhere and I am on my third cup of tea.

The adventure holiday is over, five have come home.

Depressing when you consider that only yesterday as this exact same time I was looking at this.

Moilet was beautiful, a perfect resort to holiday in, and Summer France catered to our every need.  We spent our last few hours soaking up the sun on the beach and having a final lunch by the sea before heading to the airport to come back to a very wet England.

Did I mention the villa was beautiful…

The return journey was a little stressful.

The learning point being to read reviews about your Car Hire company before booking!

Our two lovely little Fiats had to do minimal work this holiday, mainly because our backsides have been firmly planted on bikes.  They got us successfully from the airport to villa and back again, we even took the bikes to the supermarket to stock up on our daily diet of bread, cheese and wine.

However on return to Bordeaux, we were told by our Car Hire company that the car was dirty and needed a 70 euro cleaning charge applied.

You can only imagine the response of 5 tired, adventured out, women.

I could wax on – but the long and short is, we got the charge removed, and eventually left happy – not entirely sure the reservation clerk felt the same – flipping cowboys.

The airport was also chaotic; with many people stranded owing to flight cancellations, we had seen this back in the UK as well with the recent Ryanair debaucle.

As a point – if you were impacted by the recent cancellations you can look into Ryanair compensation on this site.  More than worth doing.

At one point, five flights (including our own) were called, chaos ensued, lines were formed everywhere and nowhere.  We struggled to see where we were going, had a het up, stressed out traveller (who had been stranded for 24 hours in the airport), shout at us for pushing in.

Again, the long and short was, we were lost, not rude, it was bedlam – the grump was also firmly put in his place.   However it was a rubbish situation that put everyone in the same place, caused by airlines rather than customers.

Hasn’t put us off one bit though!

We are already planning a return trip to Moilets next September, to practise our surf and to become pro paddle boarders.  The region is simply too beautiful to only visit once, and Summer France are so fantastic to holiday with that we couldn’t bear to stay with anyone else.


Here are some of my favourite pictures out of the many we have taken….

All signs suggest you are going to have a fab holiday when your friends turn up with a wheelchair they have ‘borrowed’…

Yoga on the beach on day one – before hitting the surf

That is my happy to be back in a wetsuit face

And these two are even happier…

The food…..  we didn’t have a bad meal, so much glorious sea food.

My friends… pouting

More pouting – I’d like to think it is ironic

The Bike – my bottom will never be the same again

The night they dressed me as a flamingo – for my never ending 40th birthday

The best day ever – when 5 went paddle boarding

Just one more good food picture

The holiday the weather really couldn’t spoil

no other words needed.

The trip to the beach for the last sunset


The end…


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