Jesus on a Zoom call…

Like most people, I have spent an inordinate amount of time in the last 12 months on Zoom.  In a year where I have also gained the most weight, the irony that I spend much of the day gawking at my own face as I constantly rearrange my hair and suck in my chins, is not lost on me.

Today was no different.

Today I delivered a training course on using Social Media to find a new role, to a group of lovely humans looking to enhance their job hunting skills.  It is a course I get super excited about giving, as it is an area I am passionate about.

After 12 months on Zoom, I am always prepared for tech fails, however I was not prepared for todays shock guest.

The course started as normal, with me apologising for any potential disruptions owing to wifi, children, animals, postman and so forth and so forth.

Then I began, waxing lyrical about the magical powers of LinkedIn for passive job hunting, and how the site works with recruiters.

I had a couple of late comers who entered the waiting room, whom I admitted as I chatted, and they settled in quietly.


A new person entered the waiting room, six minutes after I had begun.

The chime of the waiting room threw me slightly off patter but I think I got away with it.  I continued in full throttle, arms gesticulating wildly as I am quite excitable when training, and then my new client entered the room…..


Actually fecking chanting.


And religiously…

I looked at the name, saw it was  Christian son of God and continued to hear loud mantras penetrate my training room.

I muted Jesus.

Then my teammate removed him from the call.

My seat in hell is waiting for me.

Pray for my soul….