Competitive parenting – Part two…..

Regular readers of the blog will know I totally shamed my family this week at Sports Day, if you missed it, read it here

Today a fellow school mum emailed me these fabulous photos that clearly shows off the dedication to win that seems to be inbred in my brood.


 Look at the focus, the intense concentration, as he cruises towards the finish line in pole position.

Literally flying into action, twin girl launches over the line much to the near embarrassing shrieks of her mother.

There I am in the middle, smiling through gritted teeth, as I start to realise that I just simply cannot win…..

I think they get the twins get their competitive streak from he who helped create them…….

8 thoughts on “Competitive parenting – Part two…..”

  1. Absolutely brilliant. I love the Mum’s photo, you were nearly winning and it would all look so professional if only the one beating you wasn’t carrying her loafers in her hands xx

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