Whoa there,

Slow down horsey…

How do you stop the world spinning so fast?

How do you catch a moment and frame it?

How do you stop time from slipping away.

Schools out for summer, technically I have children in Year One. I still haven’t’ quite adjusted to them being at school yet.

Twin boy can read anything, the days of spelling out words in front of him are over. He can add, subtract and work out when I am fibbing about not having enough money left over for sweeties. Twin girl can write and does so with complete abandonment. She writes stories of princesses locked in towers rescued by knights on horseback. She writes ‘I love you mummy’ on scraps of paper and leaves them in my bag for me to find at work.

BB is moving on; quite literally, she has perfected the art of the bum shuffle and I feel both glad and sad that she is shifting finally. In addition when we dress her now in the morning we pop a duster over her nappy and leave her downstairs on the wooden floor. The house has never looked so gleaming.

Twin boy got his 75 meter swim badge this week, twin girl managed a 100. BB can swim half a width under water. My water babies are becoming fishes.

I live in the moment savour the excitement as they break new boundaries and achieve their goals. Then I look to the past, to when they were smaller and I am filled with a nostalgic longing.

But to the future we go, my small ones and I, there’s no stopping time but I can make sure we relish every lovely second between the moments when they drive me potty.

25 thoughts on “STOP”

  1. I love this post. I’ve written about time on my blog today also. I think we’re all feeling the brunt of this rubbish weather and wondering if we’ve been asleep through summer!!

    Duster; absolutely fabulous idea. You could make millions from this invention, lol.
    CJ xx

    • Its flying past isn’t it.

      I remember as a child the six week holidays sounding like such a long time but as an adult it doesn’t feel like we will have long off with them at all. I find life much easier when they are out of school and we can just play.

      Maybe when I commercialise my duster nappy invention for bum shufflers I can pay for a home tutor?

      Thanks for comments Crystal. Are you looking forward to the holidays?

      J x

  2. Really cute post! My girls are 11 & 13 and I still love hearing about what they have achieved and why. It can change a grey dark day into a something so sunny & wonderful!! x Look me up, maybe we can compare.

  3. Ooooh I have a bum shuffler to. Definitely the coolest way to move! Well done to twin girl and boy for their swimming badges! x

  4. at my 4yr old twins leavers assembly my husband and I sat wondering where 4 and a half years have gone x thanks for such a lovely post, its brought another tear to my already cried out eyes xxx

  5. Yes I know what you mean. My 3 are growing quickly, the eldest is entering into his last year at primary school, my daughter going into year 1 and my little mans last year before school. It is sad and happy at the same time. Well done on the academic and swimming achievements.

  6. I’m always trying to stop time. Remind myself that the teenage years will have lots of good times too …won’t they?! Love the dusting tip – will try that!

  7. Lovely post – and we can get BB doing my cleaning once a week right?

    I spend my days torn between being impatient and excited about the next stage of development, and wanting to pause time and keep the twins as my babies for just a little bit longer.

  8. feel the love, your mother, persil, the children! Mwah!!!!
    I shall quote this post back to you at the end of school holidays – lot of love, Me XXX your biggest fan XXX

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