the evening before the morning after

Its a strange feeling; from tomorrow onwards I am going to experience something completely alien to me and he who helped create them. From tomorrow onwards for two whole weeks we are going to be living with only one child.

I am writing this nestled in my childhood home. I drove over two hundred miles, three motorways and lots of A roads to bring Twin Boy and Twin Girl to Nanny’s house to leave them for two weeks to go on their holibobs with their grandparents.

The thing is; the night before I am due to pack my bag and take BB with me back to the south I have suddenly realised that I don’t want to leave my oldest pair. For all they drive me crazy and will ultimately be responsible for my premature descent into madness I completely, totally, and utterly adore my children and to not see them for a fortnight seems like a really long time.

Despite visiting every farm and zoo in the South of England we still have so much to do before school swings round again. We haven’t finished our spaceship or started Twin Girl’s fairy house or got round to burning any Butterfly Buns.

In order to ensure I actually manage to leave my nest in the north tomorrow and head back to my southern ranch I have forced my brain to think rationally about the benefits of having two weeks with only one baby…

1. I will not have to hear the question why repeated incessantly a hundred times a day.

2. The only backside I will be wiping in the toilet will be my own; unless something goes very wrong with he who helped create them’s bowels…

3. I won’t have to share my smarties….

4. I will be able to catch up with Kathryn Stockett not Roahl Dahl.

5. I will be able to go for fourteen days without making the noise “shhhhhh” once.

6. The only sandwich I will be making is my own; in fact sod it, I may go crazy and take soup to work.

7. I imagine I won’t hear my shouty voice for a while, unless he who helps create them persists in keeping the loo seat up.

8. The carpet on the naughty step will have a bit of time to fluff back up.

9. I can have a sabbatical from the soft play centre and be a yummy mummy again with my ‘one’ bambino

10. No cbeebies for fourteen sleeps, goodbye fireman sam, hello Celebrity Big Brother! (Sorry)

So lots of reasons to be cheerful, but still my heart is aching.

I’m going to miss the twins…

23 thoughts on “the evening before the morning after”

  1. I used to adore staying with my grandparents as a kid. And whilst my thoughts never once turned to my parents, I’ve learnt latterly that they missed us like crazy! It will be lovely for you and BB to have lots of quality time though…

  2. Go bloody enjoy having one kid instead of 3 – more portable, tuck under your arm, lots of nice lunches out . Will your parents take mine off me please? Pretty please? I can always get rid of my girl with my mum/sister but no one wants to take the twins off my hands EVAH!

  3. Your twins will have a fab time but my heart went heavy for you.

    I am going to Bath for 4 days (only) and taking just my daughter, and I am missing my son before we even go 🙁

    But we know the twins will be having a whale of a time and my son will be having some one to one with my OH and lots of fun so…….

    Yeah will still miss them xxx

  4. Awww, I get like this when I put Smiley into respite. I know logically that it gives me a break and means that I can do lots of fun stuff with the other two, but still I miss her smiley face so much. I’m sure the twins will have a fab time and so will you, just go with it xx

  5. Oh goodness. Think of all the fun they are going to have and the adventures they will tell you about when they get back. It’ll be great because it’s 2 weeks of their lives that you genuinely will want to know everything about because you weren’t there!
    Good luck! Xx

  6. Sure your eldest two will have a ball with their grandparents and it will be great for them and for you. How lovely to be a family of 3 for a bit. You will miss your babies and they will miss you but what an opportunity for all of you so go enjoy!!!! x

  7. OH and I are going to a festival this weekend and leaving the boy with grandparents for four nights. I am really looking forward to enjoying a music festival and camping without the responsibility of our little one, but dreading it none the less! I feel your pain, could definitely not manage 2 weeks, but try to enjoy the relative peace anyway and at least someone else has the responsibility of their holiday diary for a while 😉 Good luck x

  8. They’re going to have a brilliant time though! I know what you mean about the achey feeling – I experienced this myself at the weekend when F stayed at her Northern Granny and Grandpa’s house. Needless to say she didn’t miss me one little bit and cried when she left. Fickle child.

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