Being an arse of a mother

Sometimes I can be a real arse of a mother, I shout too much, I often expect too much and sometimes the whole enormity of being mother to three small people threatens to overwhelm me.

But I love them, with every inch of my body, every spec of air in my lungs, I made them, I grew them, I adore them.

They drive me insane with questions and bring me to tears with giggles; to even suggest life without them is like serving up hot apple without ice cream, a simply ridiculous preposterous notion.

The thing that scares me most in this world is some one hurting my babies, the bogeyman haunts my dreams and reaches out his long pointed fingers and I wrap my arms around my family, I wake and I pledge to keep them safe.

So how a parent can hurt their own child baffles me, breaks me and brings me to tears.

Hence when I discovered that in 2011, a record number of almost 45,000 people across the UK contacted the NSPCC because they were worried about a child I was shocked.  More so by the fact that around half of these cases were so serious they warranted immediate action. But a new report from the charityʼs helpline service found that 56 per cent of these serious calls were from people who had been concerned about a child for at least a month, and over a quarter had waited at least six months.

I dare you to watch this clip directed by Amanda Boyle (Skins) and not be moved and not want to make a difference.


You can show your support on the NSPCC official Facebook page  here.

I dream of keeping my children safe, I hope for a better future…

15 thoughts on “Being an arse of a mother”

  1. Not crying but feel sick to my stomach – and I’m not at all naive about the things that go on as my mum is a foster mother and some of the things the tots that come to her have said are truly horrific. I want to go and cuddle my babies now. :o(

  2. I’ve become a bit addicted of late to for celebrity gossip. I have unwillingly come across some horrific stories of child abuse on there and I cannot fathom how cruel people can be to defenceless children. I’ve been kept awake at night with some of the images. It’s disgusting and I truly hope that these monsters get what they deserve in life and the babies that make it through go on to achieve everything they deserve in life with families who will love & protect them. X

  3. Out of the mouths of babes- as they say!! Totally shocking I saw this the other day and just really made me want to go cuddle my two boys!! It’s important the message gets out there though

  4. Brilliant video it subtlety creeps up. Left the hairs on the back of my neck standing up. Grim but sadly too true. X

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