The last time I will mention it.

I did it I really did, and here are the photos to prove it!

(I promise this is the last time I will mention my marathon legs…..)

Running with your arms in the air – never a wise move!

Please note to the right of me is my lovely friend Becs who was running for Macmillan and her mother and was feeling emotional as she had passed a Macmillan cheering squad.  The marathon is never just about running for most it is for a memory, a loved one, and to raise mega money for a charity.

Seriously no wonder I found it so blooming hard – put your arms down woman.

And the end!  Not looking at my bestest but certainly feeling at my happiest!

That’s it folks!

14 thoughts on “The last time I will mention it.”

  1. An amazing achievement – no wonder you had your arms in the air. I cannot imagine how hard it must be to run the marathon. I am in awe. Well done to you and your friend x

  2. Wow I think you look fab after running a Marathon. Tomorrow you will looking at your watch thinking this time last week……

    Well done you, you must be so proud it many ways.

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