the day I broke my daughter

DDH again

As BB is my third child it is rare that she, he who helped create them and I spend days out alone together. We have spent a fair bit of time cooped up in hospitals together but no one really describes that as worthy of hitting the top ten fun things to do with kids list.


Today was meant to be a day that BB could spend with her parents, one that would involve fun, icecream, shows, rides and a fair handful of chocolate buttons.


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DDH: Farewell spica – Northernmum

Today started like any other; twin boy bounded in the room at 6.04 gleefully excited to be awake and not worried about who he woke up in his wake.  BB yawned next to me and chanted “hullo” to her big dopey brother and then cheerfully latched back on.  He who helped create them snoozed loudly beside and twin girl bellowed from the bathroom that the loo roll was gone and she had done a poo….

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Breath like bad chocolate….

Easter always starts the same way, at six am you can find me stood on our front lawn scattering foil wrapped parcels of delight in amongst the flower beds.

Preceding this tradition is usually an exchange of harsh words between he who helped create them and I as he declares me insane for mimicking the actions of an imaginary over grown bunny once again.

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