Dear Cancer…..
We are four, forty something year old women. In our chosen sport, we are called Masters…. In our peer groups, we are called friends, mums, or the mad dog lady. We …
We are four, forty something year old women. In our chosen sport, we are called Masters…. In our peer groups, we are called friends, mums, or the mad dog lady. We …
The last twelve months of my life have been a cliché journey. I have worked really hard to ensure I am comfortable with who I am, how I look, and …
I’m smaller, I think I’m a bit quicker, I know I am fitter, I am stronger – both in mind and body. But I am not dieting. Mainly because for …
Any regular reader will know I spend a lot of time writing about my waistline. Because it changes, frequently. I have a wardrobe of clothes from size 10 to 16. …
2017 has been more about eating my greens and staying out of the treat jar. 2016 was pretty much about swimming in the treat jar. Perhaps 2018 will be more …