Mealtimes at our house are messy. BB likes to toss food about like confetti, showering all who get in her way and twin boy’s eating style resembles a farmyard animal; and I am not talking about a chicken here.
The Oracle of Parenting
I consider myself a bit of an oracle when it comes to parenting. I have no grounds or qualifications for such a claim but I do have five years experience, three children and am proud to say I have never lost any of them. Therefore I deem myself the newly crowned oracle of parenting.
So with my self proclaimed new title I have decided to impart some words of wisdom on those of you who have yet to enter the parenting domain and give you a list of my top ten things to do before you have children.
The silence this sunday
This morning I awoke to feel fear penetrating my heart in two ways. The first way was via an instant memory that today is the day of the Teddies Bear Picnic and the second impact of terror was the uncomfortable silence that was echoing through my normally excessively loud home.