Boys to Men…

Signs my boy is turning into a man at age five and 51 weeks…

This morning as twin boy hurtled at hurricane speed from his bed to bathroom sink he looked at me as I stood sleepily brushing my teeth and said;

“I am putting my PJ’s in the wash because I have worn them two nights.”

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The lies I was told….

Having children has been an eye opener for me.  Finding out Santa was a fabrication in my youth was hard to deal with but really some of the lies I have been told since then regarding children are borderline obscene.

 Take this popular urban myth; ‘your life will be richer when you have your own family’

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Look at these beauties

I do like occasionally to pop a thing of beauty on my blog, and no ladies and gentleman it is not an image of me in my Christmas finest but instead some rather adorable shots of my two little ladies in some rather uniquely beautiful tutus.

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Breastfeeding: Yes I still am…..

Yes I still am…. 

Not that it really relates to you, but yes I am.

Whilst I appreciate you may think she is too old, I am of the opinion that she isn’t and she seems to agree.

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Plaiting one’s pubes….

In recent years I have slightly misled my children. Avoiding the whole conversation about where babies come from and how they actually trundle down the birth canal has always been a focus of mine and he who helped create them.

When BB was born, twin girl was full of awkward questions but was easily fulfilled by a quick glimpse of the bandage on my stomach and was happily comforted in the knowledge that babies were simply lifted from your tummy and then a doctor glued you together again.

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