The curse of insanity….

I woke up this morning desperately ill, my hands were twitching, my brain rapidly racing, my feet were hop-ing and non lucid ideas were flowing through my head. 

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Did you hear me call them little sh*ts….(sorry)

I wrote this post last year, but it is one of my favourites and as the festive season beckons I am giving it a fresh leash of life.  To be fair he who help create them is liable to get the same Christmas gift this year, me wrapped in a bow – fully clothed – I am not trying to upset anyone,  so I don’t think it really hurts to repeat my one and only Christmas post….

Let me know what you think….

Dear Santa,

How you doing old man?

Stressed I imagine?  I have to say respect to you for still managing to ho, ho, ho

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Do you regret having children?

It seemed like such a good idea at the time.

We spoke about it in-depth and made a conscious decision to go for it knowing that it would enrich our lives.

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Its time……..

The time is nearly upon us, it is time for my children to shine.

 In less than a week they will be called upon to make me proud and I am fearful they may not be up to the task.

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