the boy has a willy….

When the twins were little I adored being stopped in the street by everyone who wanted to comment on my beautiful babies. So much so that I grew resentful when I would leave the house and people wouldn’t approach me in the street. I think I became a little obsessive as I felt people simply had to comment on how well I was doing and how gorgeous the little ones were and in retrospect I do apologise to anyone whose ankles I clipped with my double

Nowt stranger than folk

Going on holiday this year had an interesting spin which he who helped create them and I had not foreseen before we leapt with unbridled joy onto the plane at …

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smack on the bum

My stress levels are rising, my blood is ready to boil, Four and a half years of parenting has finally taken its toll. They argue over nothing, shout like they …

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international blogger right here

I always wanted to be an international something, if I am honest rockstar would have been my first choice but my inability to play guitar or hold a tune for …

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