Parental Happiness Is….

Parental Happiness is…

Exiting the house before 9am without suffering a sore throat from all that shouting.

Struggling into a pair of size twelve jeans without a five year old asking why don’t you buy clothes that fit?

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Tale of Terror

Two of the things I find most stressful in life are hearing BB cry and being useless to help and driving in London city centre.

Today I got to drive through London city centre with BB screaming in the back. Its a wonder I survived.

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Day 26: Dear Teacher…

Summer holiday diary entry for Twin Boy Day 26 : unknown

Summer holiday diary entry for Twin Girl Day 26 : unknown

Summer holiday diary entry for me, Day 26…

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the evening before the morning after

Its a strange feeling; from tomorrow onwards I am going to experience something completely alien to me and he who helped create them. From tomorrow onwards for two whole weeks we are going to be living with only one child.

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