The Battle of the Bathroom…

I glanced at my watch, I needed to leave the house at 12.45pm and it was fast approaching 12.10pm. My bag was by the door filled with its usual goodies ranging from nappies to wipes to excess loo roll in case anyone got caught short or had a sneeze of epic proportions. I was dressed, each of the children were dressed, we were all calmly eating Omelettes for lunch. In theory nothing should prevent us leaving the house on time; I even paused for a moment merrily contemplating the ridiculous concept that we may be able to start our journey early.

Then I made a mistake of great magnitude.

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i dont write politics…

I don’t write politics.

I write parenting.

I write because I enjoy it, I write because I like being read, I write to leave something for my children one day to read.

I write stories of my day, memories to preserve and I try and entertain the reader with stories of my parenting skills gone astray.

Today I don’t know what to write. The society I am in today is not one I want my children to know about.

I just watched the news,

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Disaster: a dish best served hot…

Lots of bloggers are quite crafty, or arty, or foodie. I am none of these things; in fact most days I would describe myself as a cynical blogger who frequently bleats on about stuff parents really shouldn’t share.

With this in mind I have decided to try my hand at a new blogging genre and introduce a recipe onto northernmum. I am a poor cook but somehow I manage to get this perfect every time.

A recipe for disaster.

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living with disease

My grip is slipping, someone must have greased my fingers whilst I slept as my slight grasp on sanity is sliding away.

Either that or I have become the latest victim of school holidayitis.

I looked up the symptoms on google earlier. Apparently the signs to watch for are loss of patience,

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Dear holidaying teacher….

Week 2, Day 1….

My diary entry….

Dear teacher,

I had a wise plan today. As he who helped create them is studying from home I decided to recreate last weeks swimming nightmare by giving it another crack.  However I totally pulled one over on the lifeguard by leaving BB at home in bed and only taking the twins…

We arrived ten minutes before the swimming session began.  Good planning on my part as I wanted to ensure we got maximum return on my ten pound investment. I am northern and I don’t like to pay over the odds.

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