Do you regret having children?

It seemed like such a good idea at the time.

We spoke about it in-depth and made a conscious decision to go for it knowing that it would enrich our lives.

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i dont write politics…

I don’t write politics.

I write parenting.

I write because I enjoy it, I write because I like being read, I write to leave something for my children one day to read.

I write stories of my day, memories to preserve and I try and entertain the reader with stories of my parenting skills gone astray.

Today I don’t know what to write. The society I am in today is not one I want my children to know about.

I just watched the news,

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Parenting: Potty Training: Keep them incontinent ~ northernmum

A good friend of mine texted me today to tell me her son had christened the potty for the first time.  I hasten to add her that she was also texting to say hi and wasn’t just regaling me with more poo stories.  However, whilst remaining proud of her adorable little lad for firmly ‘dropping one’ in the pot; it was all I could do to not text back shouting; 

“Noooooo don’t do it.  Potty training is the devils work.”


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Living with an epileptic baby….

Its been six months since BB had her first seizure. I remember watching my smallest turn blue and convulse and I genuinely thought I was losing her. The horror of not knowing what was happening to my baby was insurmountable. Tears spring to my eyes as the memory surfaces of the fear that grabbed hold of my heart when the fit controlled her.

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