Pink champagne and balloons

I thought I would be full of blogging content this evening, virtually over spilling with amusing tales. However sitting in the passenger seat whilst he who helped create them drives the long journey back from the north to south all I can do is reflect on what a fabulous day I have had.

We have been at a christening, and for anyone who doesn’t know how my little angels usually approach religious ceremonies please click here to catch up. However my children were only guilty of award winning behaviour, and to disappoint me further all the children at the church were fantastically well behaved, including my beautiful new god daughter ‘terrific toddler’.

The Funeral of my Social Life

Thank you all for coming on this terribly sad day, To mark the occasion of my social life passing away. It was a culmination of events that led to the …

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How to feel good about yourself

Twin boy, girl and I have been trying to understand feelings this afternoon.

They seem to have a grasp on it as twin boy likes to express his vocally at any given moment and is prone to Oscar winning performances over the tiniest thing. A refusal of a biscuit before teatime can lead to dramatic swoons followed by Oscar winning hysterics and heartrending pleas.

Handing in my notice

I am handing in my notice.

I have been doing this job for nearly five years but to be honest it is time for me to hand over the ropes to someone else. The day to day job is ok but the hours are rubbish I always do twelve hour shifts at least and the occasional night shift.