Its here, it has finally arrived. Hours, days, weeks of waiting have passed. Sometimes the agony of being patient has been almost too much to bear but my endurance has finally paid off and it has come.
I thought they were over, I was wrong
BB had another seizure;
Its astonishing really how quickly you can adjust to living with a condition. My heart raced but not as fast as the first time, my eyes leaked but not as long and not as hysterical as before.
tap dancing through a thunderstorm
I am trying to find the happy today, my maternity leave is finally over after a rather splendid year with the small ones and I just can’t help but feel a little glum.
Actually for the last two hours or so I have felt pretty darn miserable hugely exaggerating
This is bloody important – read it…
I have a bit of a reputation for avoiding blog hops, memes and doing arty things with my kids so prepare yourselves as I am about to attempt to do all three in one blog post.
Before I lose your interest let me tell you why:
“No child is born to die, but 8 million children under five die every year from illnesses we know how to treat or prevent, such as diarrhoea and pneumonia. In the 21st century, this is utterly wrong.”