It’s the final countdown…
In six weeks BB will turn two, she will be spica free and hopefully on the road to recovery. She will be a toddler and still breastfed.
It’s the final countdown…
In six weeks BB will turn two, she will be spica free and hopefully on the road to recovery. She will be a toddler and still breastfed.
Easter always starts the same way, at six am you can find me stood on our front lawn scattering foil wrapped parcels of delight in amongst the flower beds.
Preceding this tradition is usually an exchange of harsh words between he who helped create them and I as he declares me insane for mimicking the actions of an imaginary over grown bunny once again.
It’s amazing to realise that something that was horrific the first time can become normal by the third.
We are at the half way point; BB has lived for six weeks in spica. She has coped incredibly and has challeng
My smallest child never ceases to amaze me; less than four weeks ago I clung to the side of her hospital cot with eyes that itched with tears watching my pale little girl undergoe a blood transfusion to slow her pounding heart rate after she underwent major surgery to correct her hip dysplasia. Less than four weeks I lay on my sofa bed beside her cot with my eyes wide open wondering about how she
Nine weeks and three days remaining…
Not that I am counting.
BB and the spica cast are coming along nicely, life is slowly returning to normal again, well as normal as life in our house can ever be.