the boy has a willy….

When the twins were little I adored being stopped in the street by everyone who wanted to comment on my beautiful babies. So much so that I grew resentful when I would leave the house and people wouldn’t approach me in the street. I think I became a little obsessive as I felt people simply had to comment on how well I was doing and how gorgeous the little ones were and in retrospect I do apologise to anyone whose ankles I clipped with my double

Nowt stranger than folk

Going on holiday this year had an interesting spin which he who helped create them and I had not foreseen before we leapt with unbridled joy onto the plane at …

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Heaven is just a flush away

Bedtime, that beautiful part of the day when mother and child quietly say goodbye to the daytime, read some soothing bedtime stories and then the child softly drifts off to sleep as mother plants sweet kisses on their eyelids.

Whoa there!

Who needs an alarm clock when…~ Northernmum

I remember when we decided to have a baby, the batteries on the alarm clock had ran out and rather than buying some new ones, myself and he who helped create them thought it would be make good financial sense to have a baby which would guarantee we would never sleep past 7am again (ever).

Press the button, a tale of one woman, three kids and a lift

Sweet lord, it has been a long time since I have ventured anywhere near a shopping centre with the bambinos in tow. However today proved unavoidable so beautiful baby was tucked into the buggy and twin one and two were issued with several rules and regulations about behaviour, running off and inappropriate bogey licking and off we went.