I dont know if we can take anymore…

At times it feels like I am being punished by the big man in the sky.

Not content with sending epilepsy and ddh into my family it seems I have a new ailment to contend with. One that again doesn’t seem to have any cure.

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just give me today…

Just give me one day for irrationality, one day to shake my fist at the sky and declare it is not fair. Just one day before I pick myself up, …

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Epilepsy: BB’s Secret World….

Her eyes became fixed, her face relaxed and somewhere inside her small, perfectly formed little head her mind wandered off casually for a moment or two. Taking BB to her secret place that only her and her epilepsy know about. A smile broke out upon my face, for the first time knowing my daughter was having an epileptic absence made me happy.


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Is your daughter handicapped?

Someone asked me today if my daughter was handicapped. 

They didn’t ask if I was having a nice day or even say good morning, they merely approached me in the shop and asked the question “Is she handicapped?”

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I would be dead….

Both my pregnancies have resulted in me being placed in a wheelchair and wheeled into an operating theatre to have my children removed from my tummy via the sunroof.  They were never traveling down the birth canal, with a shadow of a doubt without assistance from a team of midwives I would have died giving birth to my beautiful babies.

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