6.06: the soft cries of mama mama from BB’s cot transcend into loud wails of hunger. I struggle from the soft comfort of my duvet and stumble blindly into her room to see her stood inside the cot arms outstretched lips already pouting for a kiss. Whispering morning into her fair, warm hair we silently tip toe back to my room taking care not to wake any more small or hairy people in the home.
he who helped create them
Terror: and how I survived…
There is no other word to sum up my emotions as I slowly climbed step by step, higher and higher towards the summit.
put the gin down, it’s here at last…
Its here, it has finally arrived. Hours, days, weeks of waiting have passed. Sometimes the agony of being patient has been almost too much to bear but my endurance has finally paid off and it has come.
When death touched me…..
I thought yesterday was going to be a normal day, I didn’t know it was going to be one that would shape the rest of my life for ever. I didn’t know that I would face today a new woman with a renewed purpose in life.
living with disease
My grip is slipping, someone must have greased my fingers whilst I slept as my slight grasp on sanity is sliding away.
Either that or I have become the latest victim of school holidayitis.
I looked up the symptoms on google earlier. Apparently the signs to watch for are loss of patience,