Thursday night is swimming night. The whole evening tends to be a mad panic from the moment the school bell chimes right through to when the last child finally stops rabbi ting on and closes their eyes and drifts off to the land of nod.
jane blackmore
Education is ruining my son….
It was with a heavy heart that I rifled through my paperwork to find the number for my home insurance. I was surprised that I didn’t know it by heart because since Twin Boy and Rabid Hound moved in I am remarkably good terms with Nigel in the call centre.
Surviving: #dosomethingyummy
Cancer fights as if it were in a war, but it doesn’t play by the rules. It attacks at random and picks its victims in the same way. It doesn’t care if you are young or old or have battled with it before and have lived to tell the tale.
I want to change my children
I grew you, do you know that?
I grew you from being smaller than a spec of sand. Your fingers and thumbs were defined within me; your hearts starting beating next to my own. You all first sucked your thumbs safe inside my chocolate filled belly; you were created with a passion and sustained by love.
The next Krypton Factor Challenge is…..
Week one is done, with only eleven to go.
I’d like to say it has been easier than I expected. I’d like to say BB is coping really well with a transition into a half body cast. I’d also like to say my diet is going really well and I am well en route to a size 10 again.
However, that would all be total bollocks.