Driving home from an afternoon at a friend’s house today I decided to use the time wisely and attempt to explain the concept of laws to my two six-year olds. It started off well as I explained that a law is like a rule but if you break a law you can be arrested and sent to jail. This did seem to cause my two a little distress as they started to panic about occasions in the past where they may have bent a law and they seemed to fear that should their past misdemeanours be found out they would be spending the rest of their days in striped pajamas getting a stripey tan through a barred window.
jane blackmore
DDH: before the spica cast…
Dear BB,
The last few weeks have flown by and suddenly your operation is less than a breath away. The doctors have told me you should be in theatre for four to five hours but have warned it will feel like eternity, I remember last time, I know it will taste like forever.
What my family mean to me #dosomethingyummy
Did I ever tell you about my family?
Well I was born in the north, or as you may better know it, God’s country. I am the much longed for baby girl born to my poor suffering mother after she had to endure the extreme misfortune of initially giving birth to not one but a pair of smelly boys.
Taking blood makes you short
Twin girl is, and I mean this in the nicest possible way, a total and utter wimp.
She shrieks at spiders, shudders at loud bangs and is an appalling poor patient when ill.