Boys to Men…

Signs my boy is turning into a man at age five and 51 weeks…

This morning as twin boy hurtled at hurricane speed from his bed to bathroom sink he looked at me as I stood sleepily brushing my teeth and said;

“I am putting my PJ’s in the wash because I have worn them two nights.”

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I am doing nothing, nothing at all……

As we climbed into bed last night, relishing the warm duvet against our cold skin I turned to he who helped create them and said ‘shall we do nothing tomorrow, have a rest day, maybe not even get dressed?’  Half asleep already he turned and replied ‘yes’ and then wandered off to dreamland.

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nothing hurts like being a mum…


I was told recently that nothing hurts like being a mum and at the moment it feels like there are no truer words. This road of parenting seems to get more complicated without ever really pausing to allow me to catch my breath.

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The lies I was told….

Having children has been an eye opener for me.  Finding out Santa was a fabrication in my youth was hard to deal with but really some of the lies I have been told since then regarding children are borderline obscene.

 Take this popular urban myth; ‘your life will be richer when you have your own family’

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just give me today…

Just give me one day for irrationality, one day to shake my fist at the sky and declare it is not fair. Just one day before I pick myself up, …

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