Plaiting one’s pubes….

In recent years I have slightly misled my children. Avoiding the whole conversation about where babies come from and how they actually trundle down the birth canal has always been a focus of mine and he who helped create them.

When BB was born, twin girl was full of awkward questions but was easily fulfilled by a quick glimpse of the bandage on my stomach and was happily comforted in the knowledge that babies were simply lifted from your tummy and then a doctor glued you together again.

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Serves me right for asking……

So let me paint the picture.

 It’s a bright sunny day, the birds are trilling in the trees, winter jackets have been shunned for summer shorts and frocks and all is well with the world.

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Sunday Sanity

Sunday tends to be my day of reading blogs, it sometimes gets taken up by wiping backsides and blowing noses or going to rather horrendous softplay areas.  But when I …

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So this is me…

So this is me, allow me to introduce myself.  I am mummy, occasionally pronounced muuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmm. 

I have three children and a husband (he who helped create them);  the twins arrived four and a half years ago and  we went back for more this year and had our beautiful baby. 

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