dont forget this

Things to not forget. The urgent pleas at night-time for one more kiss and ‘huggle’. So often I am rushing on to the next task, to sort the house, to …

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dont expect an invite….

I have got my best suit out, ironed he who helped create them a shirt and we have both had our weekly bath. We have to look at our best …

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Thanksgiving and blaspheming

We made it!

We got through baby beautifuls blessing without either twin girl or boy shaming us and getting the entire family barred from the pearly gates. It was touch and go for a while, twin girl did start her blasphemous repetition of ‘Jesus, Jesus’ once again and the vicar did break out in a visible sweat but all was averted by a quick hymn.

How to feel good about yourself

Twin boy, girl and I have been trying to understand feelings this afternoon.

They seem to have a grasp on it as twin boy likes to express his vocally at any given moment and is prone to Oscar winning performances over the tiniest thing. A refusal of a biscuit before teatime can lead to dramatic swoons followed by Oscar winning hysterics and heartrending pleas.

help my blog has been hijacked

My name is Owen; mummy writes about me sometimes, this is my blog debut. I have had to hijack mummy’s blog as I don’t know how to set one up myself – I am only four.