saying goodbye to dental floss knickers…

It was my five year wedding anniversary recently. I know instantly this raises the question of how do I have two six year olds?

I feel duty bound to confess that I was guilty of biting the apple of seduction before I ensnared he who helped create them into making me his lawful wife.

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Why a libido is like a boomerang….

I am told your libido is like a boomerang, no matter how far you think it may have gone, eventually it turns a corner and starts to head back and then it arrives back when you least expect it; clubbing you on the back of your head and sending you flying onto the bed spread eagled in submission.

I think I may u

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From Hell to Hedrin

My mother always says you can’t be ill when you are a mum however what if you are?  It has been a long two weeks.  It started off well; he …

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