I remember…

DDH: after spica

I don’t think of you often, but when I do my hand caresses my tummy where you lived for such a short time before leaving this world behind. I remember …

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Too soon to know

Did I ever tell you about when we found out BB was coming?

August had been cruel, the memory of a miscarriage formed roots in our home, my womb ached with emptiness.  They told us to wait, I didn’t want to.  He who helped create them worried, could we face the loss of a baby again, were we strong enough, would another pregnancy unite or destroy us?

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Miscarriage: A Crack in My Heart….

The day I missed a miscarriage… 

It was 2009, it was a Friday, the weather was unremarkable, neither hot nor cold with no wind to blow the petals off the roses in the garden.

I was almost thirteen weeks pregnant with my third baby, I had turned a corner and left the exhaustion, the nausea and the love affair with my toilet bowl behind in the first trimester.

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Four children…..

She is three, and yet still doesn’t seem to have any grasp of social etiquette what so ever.  Her manners are appalling, her tantrums so extreme that she scares people …

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