Taking blood makes you short

Twin girl is, and I mean this in the nicest possible way, a total and utter wimp.

She shrieks at spiders, shudders at loud bangs and is an appalling poor patient when ill.

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Its time……..

The time is nearly upon us, it is time for my children to shine.

 In less than a week they will be called upon to make me proud and I am fearful they may not be up to the task.

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Plaiting one’s pubes….

In recent years I have slightly misled my children. Avoiding the whole conversation about where babies come from and how they actually trundle down the birth canal has always been a focus of mine and he who helped create them.

When BB was born, twin girl was full of awkward questions but was easily fulfilled by a quick glimpse of the bandage on my stomach and was happily comforted in the knowledge that babies were simply lifted from your tummy and then a doctor glued you together again.

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Day 1 of hell……

Twin boy and girl have been asked to write memoirs of their six week holidays for school.

I am keen for the teachers to have a realistic view of what six weeks at home 247 is like.

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