Twin boys energy never ceases to amaze, from the moment he wakes (around 6.30am) till he goes to sleep (around 7pm) he talks.
And he talks, and he talks, and he talks…
In short he never bloody shuts up.
Twin boys energy never ceases to amaze, from the moment he wakes (around 6.30am) till he goes to sleep (around 7pm) he talks.
And he talks, and he talks, and he talks…
In short he never bloody shuts up.
Parenting offers such diverse experiences many of which I would love to wrap up in ribbon and place gently in a box full of tissues and preserve forever.
Like when the first time the twins signed I love you before they could speak. Or when BB first held up her arms to me calling my name silently through big, unblinking eyes.
The chap I married is not a morning person. He takes exception every morning to having a five year old creeping into his room between five and seven and asking in a booming voice,
“Is it waking up time yet?”
He typically does a strong impression of a corpse at this point in order to not have to deal with said child. I can physically feel his body freeze into rigor mortis as the door handle starts to turn.
Things that make me go Bleurgh…..
1. Parking in a family parking bay. Yes you are late and yes its busy but people carriers were met to stick together. Don’t force me to park with the cool cars as neither I or the car enjoys the silent ridicule as I try and wrestle a buggy and 3 kids out with two inches of space.
However if you decide to park in my spot because secretly you want one of my children please feel free to check my ebay account as one or more is often found there.
How hard can it be to make a cup of tea?
I used to be a pro and I had a stylish routine. I would respond to my inner call for caffeine quickly by heading to the kettle, removing it from its perch, filling it with the appropriate amount of water to avoid the nasty limescale bits at bottom, return to perch, turn on, reach for a cup, add PG Tips tea bag, click the sweetener in, remove semi-skimmed milk from fridge and unscrew lid in anticipation.