Operation Day: every cloud…

The silver lining in the cloud. BB’s operation was in medical terms, a success. I am not sure BB would describe it as such but medically she should have a …

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DDH: before the spica cast…

Dear BB,

The last few weeks have flown by and suddenly your operation is less than a breath away. The doctors have told me you should be in theatre for four to five hours but have warned it will feel like eternity, I remember last time, I know it will taste like forever.

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I’m just a mum

I’m just a mum, one of far too many, all sitting in a brightly lit children’s play area secluded in the corner of the hospital.

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Hear me roar

I woke up with a roar this morning; my mood filthier than a sailors language. Every bite the kids took of their toast followed by every excruciatingly loud wet smacking …

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