“Have you been before love?”
“Yes” I whisper shame apparent on seasonally round cheeks.
We are not regular churchgoers, there are many reasons as to why this is but I don’t think this blog is the best place for me to start a debate on the philosophy of religion.
Every night before I go to sleep I come to whisper sweet dreams. Its a ritual, you are all the last thing I see before sleep consumes me and the first thing I look at before daylight even has a chance to nudge me awake.
I stroke your hair, cover your toes, lay kisses laden with love on your
You’ve changed…
You used to be reliable, I knew you would come and there you were, bang on seven o clock every single night of the week.
You would arrive and calm would descend upon the madness of my home. Silence would fill the space where children had been seen to battle and the soft scent of peace and quiet would dance round the lounge.