Did you know I am a little theatrical?
I was born with stardom in my blood.
Daybreak murkily starts to edge its way into the room, tendrils of fog tap at the window telling me morning has begun. For a moment I lay silent in my …
It struck me recently that I have lived in the South almost as long as I have lived in the North.
My accent has all but disappeared barr my steadfast refusal to pronounce bath “barth” and to pronounce grass as “gr” arse.
Her eyes became fixed, her face relaxed and somewhere inside her small, perfectly formed little head her mind wandered off casually for a moment or two. Taking BB to her secret place that only her and her epilepsy know about. A smile broke out upon my face, for the first time knowing my daughter was having an epileptic absence made me happy.
I stumbled into the house tired, a bit fed up, trying to balance three children and an almost full time job at times can be a little demanding and today I was feeling it.