Weight Watchers Time again me thinks……

It has been a long week, five days holiday with the kids in full activity mode, instantly followed by a fabulous hen weekend.

Much fun has been had but it has also left me feeling a little battered and run down. My nose is streaming and I am feeling a bit sorry for myself.

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I am Beaten

I am beaten,

The soles of my feet pulsate with tiredness, scabs are forming on my elbows, smudged mascara is hiding the darkened sacks that reside beneath my eyes.

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the perfect woman: in your face!

Some days I look at you and I despise you. Your perfect barren body mocks mine which has been scarred by childbirth twice over. Your breasts sit high upon your chest, two pert mounds, braless, and yet they don’t sag near your stomach button.

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My Living Hell

Its friday, for many the night to socialise, to enjoy a beverage in your local watering hole or perhaps partake in some nourishing food at the local Indian or Chinese.

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