she said what……

On Friday twin boy and girl will take to the stage to display their outstanding dramatic ability in a one off performance of “The Harvest.”

Living with two would be stars can be trying and myself and he who helped create them are trying to be supportive by ignoring the diva style tantrums and helping them learn their lines.

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Gina Ford: Payback is a bitch….

For years I was known locally as the sleep guru, I was the irratating fresh faced mother of twins who had them sleeping through at nine weeks. Whilst other first time parents looked like they had done a super shop at Tescos in order to fill the bags under their eyes I had a sleep regime in place at home that Gina Ford would envy.

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What I meant to say was…..

So I really didn’t expect to win…

In fact had I in any way thought I might win I may have taken some time to consider what words would fall out of my mouth when presented with a microphone and I may have not enjoyed the free-flowing wine in as much volume before speaking into the said microphone.

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Desperate in his depression he said…

Many moons ago, when BB was still a dream he who helped create them didn’t share with me and when twin girl’s hair still rested by her ears and twin boy was still lovingly referred to as a chatterbox rather than the boy who never stops talking, myself and my two (almost three) year old twins went out for the day.

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God, it’s your fault….

Dear God,

Quick question.

Free will, flipping genius idea, may have caused a few wars etc in the past but all in all it allows me to eat several pots of Ben and Jerrys in succession so no harm done.

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