a lost libido…

Lost: one sex drive

I have looked everywhere, under the bed, in the fridge, even in the garage and no success. I did manage to find a mouldy tomato, a long ago forgotten set of pyjamas and my collection of Bros Records but my sex drive remains hidden from view.

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put the gin down, it’s here at last…

Its here, it has finally arrived. Hours, days, weeks of waiting have passed. Sometimes the agony of being patient has been almost too much to bear but my endurance has finally paid off and it has come.

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the evening before the morning after

Its a strange feeling; from tomorrow onwards I am going to experience something completely alien to me and he who helped create them. From tomorrow onwards for two whole weeks we are going to be living with only one child.

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In Pursuit of Fairies….

Molly almost tumbled out of bed this morning with excitement. 

 ‘Todays the day we are going on a fairy hunt’ she whispered to her teddies.  Laying on her back and tipping her feet up towards the ceiling she nudged the mattress that lay above her on the top bunk edging her twin brother towards waking. 

“Owen,” she stage whispered, “let’s get up and go find some fairies.”

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