In Defense of the Gina Ford Mum

I never got lucky with my babies sleeping habits, I don’t have natural sleepers, I don’t have angelic babies (well bb comes close) I don’t have quiet babies, I have …

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fright night

Halloween came early to our house as last night I awoke at midnight to howls of anguish and found myself drenched in blood. So had casper come to play? Was …

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Why I am one red hot sexy momma

I thought I had had a bit of a result today before my daughter kindly corrected me. I went out with two girlfriends yesterday and I used my spade in the morning to put on makeup in order to try and hide how completely knackered I look after spending the last 5 months at home with twin boy and girl and beautiful baby. However when I returned home slightly tipsy (understatement) clutching my shoes in one hand and breast pump in the other I managed to fall into my bed immediately completely forgetting to go via the bathroom to try and remove ‘excess slap’ from my face. The end result being that this morning I woke up late but already had full make up on. Albeit I had to rub away a few smudges of mascara here and there but all in all I was looking hot to trot for the school run.