dont expect an invite….

I have got my best suit out, ironed he who helped create them a shirt and we have both had our weekly bath. We have to look at our best …

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The Revenge of the Baby

I have hinted in recent posts that beautiful baby whilst being completely adorable is also something of a mastermind and she spends the vast majority of her days sitting quietly …

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Handing in my notice

I am handing in my notice.

I have been doing this job for nearly five years but to be honest it is time for me to hand over the ropes to someone else. The day to day job is ok but the hours are rubbish I always do twelve hour shifts at least and the occasional night shift.

help my blog has been hijacked

My name is Owen; mummy writes about me sometimes, this is my blog debut. I have had to hijack mummy’s blog as I don’t know how to set one up myself – I am only four.

Who needs an alarm clock when…~ Northernmum

I remember when we decided to have a baby, the batteries on the alarm clock had ran out and rather than buying some new ones, myself and he who helped create them thought it would be make good financial sense to have a baby which would guarantee we would never sleep past 7am again (ever).